Saturday, September 18, 2010
Easy A
this movie made my night before I even went to go see it.Just getting out of the car about to go into the movie theater was funny mainly because I realized that I wore two different shoes to the movies unknowingly so I had to wear my brother's shoes before going in the movies so my size 6 in boys foot had to try and fill his size 8 men's so that was like a huge failure but at least they matched.Okay so back to the movie this movie was amazingly funny I love it this movie is up there with Mean Girls or as Alex Evans puts it "Mean Girls on crack" and I have to agree with this statement Easy A takes high school humor to a new level you will be laughing from the time the movie starts and you will not be disappointed at anytime during the movie like there isn't a corny or extremely bad ending that makes you hate the entire movie I don't want to say to much because I don't want to give the whole movie away so all I'm going to say is
See the movie!! do not miss this movie if you loved/liked Mean Girls your going to love this movie so See it right now!!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
My Mothers Jewelry Box?
Monday, September 6, 2010
The New Look
So if you havent heard is now open to everyone and of course I made one I have yet to add any looks yet cause my camera will not upload my pictures but I will have that fixed as soon as possible cause to day I took some nice looks with the help of my lovely mother how brought me a tripod finally cause she didn't want to take my pictures any more haha so I will be taking more pictures of my looks I took today with my tripod so as soon as Canon is open (hopefully tomorrow) I will call them and get a new disk and post some looks so I wont wast space on the ever so lovely (do you think I plugged it in enough haha) and once I upload a post I will come and write another blog to my invisible readers who's name is probably Bob lol
um here is the link to my page if you wanna go look at nothingness:
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Movies,Music and Festivals...oh and School
I am in the mist of making a movie I want to make a thriller I have an idea in my head I just need to figure out how to wright it all out and make dialogue for the characters like once I can make since of the plot of the story I can do everything else I don't plan on making the movie myself I want to send it to a real director and let them read it and hopefully they like it and something happens.
Music well what can you say about music that has not already been said music is dead music is not how it use to be music is nothing but sex drugs and money blah blah blah well its all right and frankly I'm tired of it I want something good and not just so ugh, music from my parents time and some even from their parents time is real music and they didn't just come out and say Hey I basically want to F**k you and then leave and there were real word to the song not made up crap put to a good beat like what the heck is a papa gapa jrap dapa like really you let your kids listen to that crap no wonder most kids are dropping out of school and getting pregnant at super young ages and cant speak at least good English it doesn't have to be proper but I at least want to be able to understand what you are saying like come on grow up and speak clear English.
I'm not the only one that thinks that there is a need for real music now a days cause the crap we call good music is not good at all and her name is.....well actually I don't know her name I found her on facebook when I was going through this guys stuff trying to figure out were I knew him from cause his name and his face looked really familiar he just looked super old but hes actually the same age as me...any ways back to the girl with the website yes its a real website that she pays for so clicking on links would be helpful hers her Website so you guys can go check it out and read her reviews on different bands and see when concerts are coming the latest group she reviewed is called A Gain and they are from Greece and they are really good if you like indie rock (is that a genre??) and soulful lyrics then I suggest that you check them out you can learn more about them at her website which I am going to list again .
I really want to go to an IFC and/or Sundance Festival cause I love their movies and just everything about them when I had like all the channels I stayed on Sundance I didn't have IFC so I couldn't watch there movies but I did recently I watched a movie called Accomplices and it was really good I believe they are having the Tribeca Movie Festival right now I'm pretty sure they make that festival either way there are some really good movies being made and released at these festivals and I would love to go to one and watch all of the movies, that's why I'm making a movie script hoping that someone will read it and like it enough to make a movie or short film out of it and then we get invited to one of those festivals like I don't major fame or anything I just want to go to a festival that's all. like with my movie concept that I mentioned earlier I can see most of it in my head like were it is how its going to look color wise and now thanks to the band A Gain I can even hear the music (which also gave me a new scene idea/movie) like I can so hear them playing a song for the movie but first I got to finish thinking it through.
only one more week left in school (I'm not counting this week cause it already started)this means I only have two to one week to get my grades up cause they are so not what my grades should be this year its been a really bad year this school year but next year will be different I'm gonna make my normal grades and better cause I'm pretty sure I have AP Lang. Pre Calculus which I plan to make AP either that year or next year, Advance Band, and Physics that's the only things I heard from my consular when she told me what I was taking next year cause she was not going to change it.. you know its a long story(not really I just don't want to go into it cause I'm being lazy haha) so yeah I'm going to be busy next year cause I think I'm taking two AP classes but you know how schedules are they always change and who knows if I'm even going to be at that school next year but this year well this week I have to stay after school Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and hopefully not Friday cause I really don't want to stay on Friday I already don't want to stay after on Thursday for band I would rather be staying after for AP World History seeing how are exam is coming up but hey at least I can stay on Tuesday and maybe band will end early enough for me to make it to History also cause it ends at 5.
well that's all for now I got to go to bed getting a headache and I have to wake up at 6:30 tomorrow for school and I cant be late cause I have to go get my student ID so I can take my AP exam that is next week on the 13th so...
Love on a Pinkie and Peace To the World
Friday, April 30, 2010
My mad Rant
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I think I love her
Okay so I know I said I was going to posting one like last week but I was busy like I had so much fun this week I love hanging with my oldest sister like me and her were crazy but there's really not that much to say about my weekend or much I remember haha but I did get like the best Chinese food that is not from china today and even though someone like totally pissed me off it was still good man like I have been waiting for this food for 3 years! 3 long years and man when I tell you that I thought I was going to drop the food like no lie I almost cried like we weren't even near getting out the car cause we had like 2 other stops to make but I was just sitting there think what if I did and just thinking about made me get all teary eye shot I would have been like a crake féin if that food had drop just on the floor scooping it up and crying...whoa let's stop talking about it cause I'm bout to cry and I don't even know why cause I still got my food...okay I gathered myself man that Wong Wok is no joke they throw down in that resturant shot they waiters might be rude when it comes to their tips cause they will straight out ask you if you gonna take of them but shot I wouldn't care cause the food makes up for it.
yeah okay enough with the food let's talk about my kids that I don't have to feed take care of or nothing you know the best type of kid will yesterday I got another one she is so cute and don't make a sound she just stares the only thing is she lost my bracelet but we still cool cause she don't go to anyone else but me her mom and her dad she don't even mess with my sister she be like naw shawty yo kid tryin take my dad we ain't cool now but I tell my sister she like me and no one else cause I'm fly like look at me I'm super fine so of course she gonna want me like duh haha but yeah so she's now one of my kids I got like 6 but one she's mean to me and she trying to steal my mom so no she's on my waiting list I don't if my niece will ever get back on my child list cause she just straight play me all the time and she will tell me what to do like little girl your only 2 stop being so mean I swear little kids these days.
Omg I swear we been looking for a bathroom for this chick for like 20 minutes like I need to get home my leg is hurting and my whole left arm like the musle I hurting on that and you making this trip longer than it needs to be it's already 17 hours long we don't need no extra time added
Monday, April 5, 2010
I think I love her
Okay so I know I said I was going to posting one like last week but I was busy like I had so much fun this week I love hanging with my oldest sister like me and her were crazy but there's really not that much to say about my weekend or much I remember haha but I did get like the best Chinese food that is not from china today and even though someone like totally pissed me off it was still good man like I have been waiting for this food for 3 years! 3 long years and man when I tell you that I thought I was going to drop the food like no lie I almost cried like we weren't even near getting out the car cause we had like 2 other stops to make but I was just sitting there think what if I did and just thinking about made me get all teary eye shot I would have been like a crake féin if that food had drop just on the floor scooping it up and crying...whoa let's stop talking about it cause I'm bout to cry and I don't even know why cause I still got my food...okay I gathered myself man that Wong Wok is no joke they throw down in that resturant shot they waiters might be rude when it comes to their tips cause they will straight out ask you if you gonna take of them but shot I wouldn't care cause the food makes up for it.
yeah okay enough with the food let's talk about my kids that I don't have to feed take care of or nothing you know the best type of kid will yesterday I got another one she is so cute and don't make a sound she just stares the only thing is she lost my bracelet but we still cool cause she don't go to anyone else but me her mom and her dad she don't even mess with my sister she be like naw shawty yo kid tryin take my dad we ain't cool now but I tell my sister she like me and no one else cause I'm fly like look at me I'm super fine so of course she gonna want me like duh haha but yeah so she's now one of my kids I got like 6 but one she's mean to me and she trying to steal my mom so no she's on my waiting list I don't if my niece will ever get back on my child list cause she just straight play me all the time and she will tell me what to do like little girl your only 2 stop being so mean I swear little kids these days.
Omg I swear we been looking for a bathroom for this chick for like 20 minutes like I need to get home my leg is hurting and my whole left arm like the musle I hurting on that and you making this trip longer than it needs to be it's already 17 hours long we don't need no extra time added
Thursday, April 1, 2010
17 hours in a car
I am finally in Springfield Massachusetts it only took 17+ hours but were here and oh my gosh I am so ready to get out of this car like two freaking days have been wasted in this car and for what some food gosh I swear if my sister wasn't so funny and the food wasn't so darn good I would have stayed home cause I'm like 75% sure that I'm sick or atleast getting sick it never fails I always seem to get sick on long breaks not to mention that my lip ring has been hurting for like the entire trip.
Speaking of my lip ring my next blog will be about what happen when we (Denzel, mom, and I) went to get a piercing and if I can figure it out on my phone there well be a video of each of us
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Spring Break 2010
oh and I might be posting over the week cause I can post from my phone now and I was planning on posting yesterday but it was to late to so yeah be expecting a new post like every week or so hopefully I have a bad memory lol okay I gotta get off before I waste my battery
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Is this my Cold Medicine or Midol?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Adderley's and the McCrae's playing cards together!!!!
So today I went to my aunts house for a little cook out and to play Uno with my little cousin Khamani who by the way gave me 2 of my 4 wins and let me just tell you this playing cards with my cousins, my mom, and I is no joke we take it so seriously lol so I dont get why they say have a game night I think families that want to break up have game nights.
But even though we played Uno and there was a butt load of cheating and sore losers and winners(mostly me)we still had a good time there was no cards flying this time(insider lol) and there was some good food cooked by the chef Alexis and some pretty good pictures taken by mostly my two little cousins Khamani and Kamille
A picture of Toya
Taken by KamilleThe Cook Alexis
Sorry Alexis if I spelled it wrong
Khamani drinking all of my Starbucks
(she lucky she gave away 2 wins to me)
Those are some of the pictures we took I was going to add more but that would just take up way to much time and I dont want this to be just pictures.
Oh and also today I saw The September Issue if you havent seen it and you have some intereste in fashion you should see it its like the real life The Devil Wears Parda its really good Anna is kinda scary but you can tell shes nice so I recommend watching it cause its good and I think getting to understand fashion allows you to understand a lot more things than before...oh and check out the hat I brought yesterday and my outfit
I think I look a Jonas with those white pants but I also think I look darn good ;D
I got this hat from Earthbound its not the hat I was going for but I liked it much better yesterday than I did the other hat
Friday, March 5, 2010
Today was a Great day
1st period was good cause I got a 100 on a 6 minute lab my first time going and I finished at 4 something so that's the only reason I liked that class and I always like 4th period cause its World History.